Practical approaches

About this MRS guidance

The challenges faced in collecting high quality online data have never been greater. While emphasis should continue to be placed on making sure that participants have a good experience, the research sector is increasingly challenged by fraudulent participants undertaking online data collection. As the development of Large Language Models (LLMs), Generative AI and other forms of artificial intelligence continue to advance, this threat will only increase. Read more

By understanding and identifying quality issues, practitioners can increase the credibility and reliability of their research findings. We invite you to explore this document as a steppingstone toward higher data integrity in research projects.

Scope of the guidance

The scope of this guide is focussed on steps that could be taken in data collection (pre, during and post) by research practitioners to improve data quality and integrity. The amount of control and influence on the checks will depend on how much influence and accountability that research practitioners have on the quality process. Read more

Please note this data quality guidance, including potential legal issues is provided for information. It is not legal advice and cannot be relied upon as such. Specific legal advice should be taken in relation to any specific legal problems or matters.

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